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Can You Eat Chocolate & Still Lose Weight?

As a Certified Nutritionist and sort of health nut I eat asparagus for breakfast, spinach in my protein drinks blueberries in my 1/3 cup of old fashioned oats, however, I believe in the 85/15 Rule and 85% of the time I eat very healthy, but during the 15% I may want something that isn't green and leafy so that's why I create these recipes.
I weighed over 230 pounds and have lost 105 pounds or should I say half a person and kept if off for over 13 years and I'm over 40.
So if I blog about a recipe, it's because I know how hard it is to have a snack or "treat" but still stay in my NO SUGAR NO WHITE FLOUR guidelines.
Here's one of my recipe's for chocolate frosting:
1/2 block (4oz) of 1/3 less fat or fat free cream cheese
2 tsp butter or unsweetened applesauce (I always substitute with applesauce when baking)
3 Tbsp coconut milk
3 1/2 cups of Stevia-in-the-raw, Splenda or your sugar substitute of choice
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
1/8 tsp sea salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
With a hand mixer, mix cream cheese, butter or applesauce and coconut milk until smooth.
Combine sweetener, cocoa and sea salt in another bowl. 
Gradually add both mixtures together  and beat at a slow speed until mixed well.
Finally add the vanilla and mix well, cover and chill.

Your recipes and ideas are welcome


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