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Natural Help For Depression

Natural Options To Fight Depression

Robin Williams a successful actor with assets over $50 Million, three children and a wife, why would he take his own life?  I don't think anyone one of us can pass judgment on someone battling with so many demons and struggling with the "D" word Depression.
However, there is more to life than money and success, as a Christian based holistic nutritionist I look at Spirit, Mind and Body and if they are all in balance sadness and mild to moderate depression may creep up on you, but you can fight back....
     The very first step to battling all obstacles in life is recognizing that there is a higher power than you, that you cannot control every aspect of your life and definitely cannot control what's going on around the world.  I may be criticized for saying higher power rather than God or Jesus, but I believe in baby steps especially if a higher power is new to you. If you feel hopeless or sad...pray, believe me prayer changes things!  I look back at the times in my life that were so overwhelming like living out of my car with my 5 month old baby after my husband walked out on us, prayer changed my life.
     Here I think brain rather than mind might be a better place to take the second step--God knew that we would have times of sadness, anxiety and depression and that's why he created Amino Acids and specials herbs to help us combat these issues naturally.
According to Julia Ross M.A.  amino acids are "the isolated protein fragments are the super-nutrients that your brain uses to make it's most powerful pleasure chemicals: serotonin (our natural Prozac), catecholamines (our natural cocaine), endorphins (naturally stronger than heroin), and GABA (naturally more relaxing than Xanax)."  Your diet plays a huge role in how you handle your emotions and these amino acids can be purchased along with the proper diet.   I will be discussing a natural herb that studies show have the same effect of an antidepressant.
     The final step is a balanced diet and yes I know there are thousands of books written about a balanced diet, but I teach my clients that you cannot remove a food group, the body needs proteins, carbohydrates and fats-remember protein is the building block of the body and where these amino acids are absorbed for utilization in our body and brain.
      St. John's Wort is a perennial herb that grows wild actually throughout the world. It is most commonly used to help in various emotional problems such as mild depression, sleep problems and lack of concentration.  According to the University of Maryland Medical Center in their article "St John's Wort", "There is good evidence that St. John's wort may reduce symptoms in people with mild-to-moderate but not severe (or major) depression. In many studies it seems to work as well as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a popular type of antidepressant that doctors often prescribe first to treat depression. They include fluoxetine (Prozac), citalopram (Celexa), and sertraline (Zoloft). In addition, St. John’s wort doesn’t seem to have one of the most common side effects of antidepressants, which is loss of sex drive.
     If you are looking for a high quality form of St John's Wort or have any questions you would like to discuss, visit my website at Do not stop taking any antidepressants without the supervision of a healthcare professional.  If you are suffering from depression, seek professional help.


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