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2 Steps To Improve Your Love Life

 2 Steps To Improve Your Love Life

     When you're growing up and your hormones are RAGING you never stop to think that one day those pesky hormones won't be raging any more until the day you begin to wonder do you even have any hormones left! 
      Being intimate with your spouse keeps your relationship healthy and fills many needs that both men and women have, the need for touch.  As a baby touch is the first sense that we have and touch can also be the secret weapon that holds our relationships together.
     So what happens when your partner has Erectile dysfunction?  ED can put a strain on a relationship and in many cases it's because of the psychological effect that it has on a man.  Americans have become so familiar with Erectile dysfunction because commercial after commercial lets us know there is a little blue pill that will fix it all for us. Yes, we all need to thank the pharmaceutical industry for keeping marriages together because of that little blue pill--- or do we?
     My great interest in hormones peaked starting in 2006 while I hosted a talk radio show, once a month my co-host was a holistic hormone expert and every month he would hand me 2 pages of notes on hormones about 10 minutes before the want to talk a bout a cram session.  This not only started my interest in hormones, erectile dysfunction, growth hormone and so on, but also enabled me to be educated through some of the greatest experts on the subject.  I have created 2 steps to increasing libido and much more... 
    Step 1: The first step towards a healthy libido for both men and women is get your hormones checked especially testosterone and yes ladies your testosterone level effects your libido as well. Testosterone is a sex hormone and as testosterone levels decrease the first sign you will see is low libido and erectile dysfunction.  Testosterone can help with depression and even your weight, according to the Mayo Clinic testosterone assists the body in controlling fat levels with reduced testosterone body fat levels rise while muscle mass and strength diminish.  These are just a couple reasons why you need to make sure your testosterone levels are at optimum range.   The only hormones I recommend taking are the bio-identical hormones that are compounded exclusively for you through a compound pharmacy. I also recommend discussing your hormones with a VERY knowledgeable doctor that can discuss estrogen, insulin and other hormone issues you may be facing.
     Step 2:  My Secret Weapon  Once you know your testosterone levels are good the next thing we need to examine is our NITRIC OXIDE levels, here's why, when a man is sexually stimulated the brain sends a message through the central nervous system to the nerve cells in the penis...these are the cells that produce nitric oxide and work in the production of an erection.  If the arteries leading to the penis don't open or open too slowly it's hard for a man to get an erection or maintain one, ladies this isn't just a male problem, women also have erectile tissue in the clitoris and can have difficultly with stimulation.  I have researched and experimented with my clients these 2 products and find they work wonders!

    Le-Citrulline and Yohimbe,  L-Citrulline is actually better than L-Arginine in the production of Nitric Oxide and it is actually maintained in the body longer, however, there is a correct way to take L-Citrulline and with our pharmaceutical grade powder form I will send you the instructions on how to activate the Nitric Oxide more effectively.  The next little gem I want to introduce is Yohimbe.
Yohimbe is considered a strong sexual stimulant.  This plant produces an alkaoid called yohimbine, it's an alpah-adrenergic blocker that has been shown as a remedy to erectile dysfunction.


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