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Showing posts from April, 2015

Quick Way To Change A Habit

As most of you know humans are creatures of habit and breaking bad habits or creating good habits is not easily done.  One tip that I have used to create a good habit and insure success is to make a change for a short period of time.  You Can Do Anything For Just  3 Days! For example, let's say you want to lose 25 pounds and if you look down that long road ahead of you called life, you may become tired before you even start!                                                                                      Plan your change for a short period of time,...

Green Coffee Burn | Hidden Youth Vitamins & Wellness

Green Coffee Burn | Hidden Youth Vitamins & Wellness I think one of the greatest gifts I could have ever gotten is to be a chubby child...that may sound crazy, but at a really young age I had to deal with my weight.  As a matter of fact I remember it like it was yesterday that in the 3rd grade other kids made fun of me because I was FAT....I didn't even know what fat was and I didn't know what it meant either, well now I'm over 50 and I have learned what fat is--at my peak I weighed over 230 pounds UGHH!  I am a Holistic Nutritionist and help all kinds of people from Competition body builders to obese clients increase their metabolism and improve their health and I am proud to launch my GREEN COFFEE BURN, this is a pharmaceutical grade supplement that can naturally help you lose weight and keep it off. Click the link at the top of the page to find out more...